Tuesday, August 4, 2015


This week has been another wonderful week. We have had some set backs with all our investigators, but we are continuing to see new doors open up and old ones close. Our investigators are all going through different struggles and so we just have to be patient and keep showing them love. Elder Porter and I also got to ride our bikes a lot this week due to the end of the month and running low on alotted miles to drive. We had a blast and it was hilarious to hear Elder Porter go from nagging me daily to ride bikes to now not wanting to even touch his bike :) I told him how lucky we were that we got a full time car, but he didn't listen... greenies :D 

Elder Porter and I are having a great time together. We tease the crap out of each other everyday and have a blast teaching people. He is doing so well that when we go to knock doors he will go about 15 feet away from me or cross the street and we will both contact and teach people on the door step by ourselves. I am so proud of him! I could have never done that as a new missionary, I was terrified to do that up until about 13 months of being out.

We are working more with a return missionary in our ward, Sa Kennach. She does A TON of missionary work and loves to help the missionaries. Infact, this week we went down to the temple open house with her, her inactive older brother, and her brother's girlfriend who isn't a member. The girlfriend (Sina) is interested in the church and we are going to start teaching her in the Kennach home thanks to Sa being a great missionary! It is also helping get her older brother, Taft, reactivated.

The temple open house has been a great experience for everyone. We have been able to go down three times so far and take 5 nonmembers with us. It is a little frustrating dealing with all the anti-mormon stuff that is going on at the temple, but the work moves on! Apparently the anti-mormon crusade has been pretty heavy at this temple open house. 

There is an ex-bishop who is leading the campaign and has hired several people to dress up as parking ushers and hand out anti-mormon literature disguised as church information. Some people have also come through the tour and when they went through the celestial room, they emptied pockets full of dirt on the white carpets. Someone else also brought in animal poop and put in in the celestial room as well. I quickly realized why they didn't have any elders help out at the open house, because if they did then there would be one too many brawls happening with anti's :)

Things are going great, and Elder Porter and I are still working hard and praying to find three precious souls to baptize in the next 7 weeks.

If you guys could pray for Kadesha and Lizzie this week, that would be much appreciated. They are going through some struggles right now and could use the spiritual support.

Love you all!
Elder Young

Temple tour with the Kennachs!
                           And dinner at the Williams house! They had a samuri sword almost as tall as I was!

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